Submit a photo for your SwissPass
To issue your SwissPass, we require a recent photo of you.
You can submit either a digital or physical photo, but it must meet specific requirements for dimensions, quality, and content. Details about these requirements for both digital and physical photos can be found here (German only).
Submit a digital photo
Send your photo with your surname, first name and date of birth by e-mail (file format JPEG, max. 1 MB) with the subject «Photo SwissPass» to
Submit a physical photo
You don't have a digital photo? No problem! You can also send us a passport photo.
- Write your surname, first name and date of birth with a felt-tip pen on the back of the passport photo.
- Print this photo receipt (German only).
- Stick your photo onto the photo slip and complete your details.
- Send your photo to ZVV-Contact, P.O. Box, 8040 Zurich or hand it in at a sales outlet. The photo will be digitalised and stored electronically. The original passport photo will then be destroyed. There is no right of return.
You will receive your SwissPass within approximately five days. After completing your purchase, you will be issued a temporary SwissPass valid for 14 days, allowing you to start your journey immediately.