GA, Half-Fare travelcards

Here you will find information on the validity of GA and Half-Fare travelcards in the ZVV network.


GA travelcards, day passes purchased with Half-Fare Travelcards and 1-day travelpasses for children are accepted on all lines in the fare schedule area.


Holders of Half-Fare Travelcards can travel at reduced fares in the whole ZVV (exception: no reductions for monthly and annual travelcards and surcharges as well as for the Zürich Card).


You can find further information, prices and purchase options for GA, Half-Fare travelcards and other national travelcards for public transport here.

Night GA

The Night GA Travelcard is valid on all forms of transport within the ZVV network. It is valid after 19:00 and is accepted on all lines within the ZVV's fare zones.

The Night GA Travelcard can be purchased online or at a serviced sales point.

Learn more about the Night GA Travelcard here.