Who are we?
The ZVV is the largest transport association in Switzerland. It is responsible for the holistic strategic planning as well as the coordination, marketing and financing of public transport in the canton of Zurich.
Over 600 million passengers travel on the ZVV every year. The ZVV itself is not operationally active; the transport companies are exclusively responsible for the travel services. On average over many years, the ZVV covers around two thirds of its costs through ticket revenue and additional income. Half of the remaining costs are covered by the canton of Zurich and half by the 162 municipalities in the canton.
The ZVV unites over 30 transport companies under one roof. For the purpose of efficient cooperation, the network area is divided into eight market regions with eight so-called market-responsible transport companies - MVU for short.
The MVUs ensure that operations in the regions function, that timetables are adhered to and that budget targets are met. Subordinate to them are smaller and medium-sized concessionary transport companies as well as transport commissioners, who are primarily responsible for the services on certain routes. This organisational form, which separates strategic and operational tasks, has proven to be economical, efficient and customer-friendly.

This overview shows the work responsibilities and divisions between the canton, the ZVV and the transport companies.

Organisation ZVV
Organisational structure and departments in the ZVV.

Members of the Executive Board
From left to right: Daniel Reinhart, Thomas Kellenberger (Deputy Director), Nadja Gerig, Dominik Brühwiler (Director), Lukas Tenger, Christian Vogt. Not in the picture: Frank Hofmann.