Step-free access tram

In the city of Zurich and the agglomeration, barrier-free travel is possible thanks to modern trams and elevated stops.


The easiest way to plan your trip is to use the ZVV online timetable or the ZVV app. The connection query can be restricted to connections barrier-free connections. You can also extend the transfer times. You can find more about these functions here.


Trams with step-free access operate on most lines. Exceptions: On lines 9 and 13, at least every second tram is step-free. There are no wheelchair accessible trams on line 5. Important stops have departure indicators. The wheelchair symbol indicates vehicles without steps.


People with walking disabilities best enter at the front. This way the driver can see you better, leave the door open longer or help you if necessary. Persons in wheelchairs are best to use the third door from the front. There are places for wheelchairs. Press the blue wheelchair button if you need more time or you need help to get in or out of the vehicle.


Most stations are step-free. At stations that are not step-free, you can change to an alternative connection, get help from staff or request a shuttle. In the network map (PDF, 368 KB) you will find an overview of the stations in the ZVV that are suitable for persons with reduced mobility and persons in wheelchairs and what alternatives are available.